Monday, March 30, 2009

Jamison City and Ricketts History Day

Jamison City Event.

The Columbia County Historical Society will present two discussions of Jamison City and the Ricketts Estate at Lake Ganoga. The trip will include lunch at the Brass Pelican Restaurant in Elk Grove, talks about the region’s history and site visits. This will be a drive-yourself tour with ride-shares available. The excursion will feature informative talks by two men who literally “wrote the book” about the history of this region, authors of books about the vanished lumber towns. It is available to members of the Columbia County Historical Society and the Sullivan County Historical Society. Membership information for these two fine organizations are available from the societies.

Speakers include Craig Newton, co-author of “Jamison City In Its Heyday,” A Quiet Boomtown: Jamison City, Pa. 1889-1912 and Charles Petrillo, author of Ghosts Towns of North Mountain. Atty. Petrillo will speak on “Colonel Ricketts and Development of North Mountain.”

Join the knowledgeable guide for a visit to the 1890s boomtown at Jamison City with its sawmill, tannery, and genteel hotel. Learn how it grew suddenly in the North Woods, flourished for two decades, and withered when the region’s forests had all been leveled. Visit (by car) the sites of the mill pond, tannery, railroad station, schoolhouse, and still-intact, original general store.

Visit impressive Sullivan Falls (an optional side trip with guide Edd Sidinger. This requires a moderately-strenuous path walk of about 1/8 mile on a mountain path). The day concludes with a drive-by of the large manor house/hotel of Col. Ricketts (for whom nearby Ricketts Glen State Park is named), an important stagecoach stop on the old Tioga Turnpike. Our guide will explain how the site functioned as home, travelers’ hotel, and resort.

The cost for this informative day is $8 for society members. Lunch is additional and will be available from a special menu.

Members of the Columbia County Historical & Genealogical Society should contact the Society for reservation information. Membership information is provided at .